COVID-19 Policies/Refunds

In order to keep our players and coaching staff safe during practices this summer, the following guidelines will be used until further notice.

Players must bring their own water and may not share water with any other player for any reason.

Any person experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 should do the following:

  • Stay home and not report to Red Dirt events.
  • Contact Tracy Isbell of symptoms.
  • Document when symptoms began and inform Tracy Isbell of any potential contact with team members. 
  • Remain isolated from Red Dirt team members and team events, for a period of at least 10 days from onset of symptoms. 

Any person testing positive should do the following:

  • Stay home and not attend Red Dirt events.
  • Contact Tracy Isbell of date of positive test. 
  • Document date of COVID-19 positive test, inform Tracy Isbell of any potential contact with team members. 
  • Remain isolated from Red Dirt team members and team events, for a period of at least 10 days from date of positive test. 

Any person in “close contact” with a person who tested positive for COVID-19

  • Stay home and not report to team members and team events.
  • Contact Tracy Isbell with date of contact with person testing positive for COVID-19. 
  • Document when contact with the person with COVID-19 happened, inform Tracy Isbell of that date of contact and any potential contact with team members. 
  • Remain isolated from Red Dirt team members and team events, for a period of at least 10 days from date of contact with the person testing positive for COVID-19. 

Refund Requests

If a tournament is cancelled or Red Dirt does not have enough players to attend as a team, a full refund will be made to all participants. If the tournament does make and Red Dirt attends, you may request a refund up to 2 weeks before the tournament start date.

Once we enter the two week window before a tournament, if a player needs to withdraw and it is not due to an illness or injury, we will attempt to fill your spot with a player from the wait list. If we are able to do so, you will receive a refund, if we are not able to find a replacement player we will not be able to offer a refund.

In all cases, we try our best to be ethical without harming the remaining players or leaving the team short.